Pneumatic logic is a reliable and functional control method for industrial processes. In recent years, these systems have largely been replaced by electrical control systems, due to the smaller size and lower cost of electrical components. Pneumatic devices are still used in processes where compressed air is the only energy source available or upgrade cost, safety, and other considerations outweigh the advantage of modern digital control.Pneumatic power is used in industry, where it is common to have factory units plumbed for compressed air although other compressed inert gases can be, and are used in smaller or self-contained systems. It also has applications in, among others, dentistry, construction, and mining.Airef Engineers provides sales, service, training, installation, repair and design engineering for all of your pneumatic system requirements. With a strong foundation of service excellence, you can be sure that we will be there when you need us. With years of technical knowledge in our chosen product specialties you know you will receive the quality repairs and service for your pneumatic needs.
Pneumatic logic is a reliable and functional control method for industrial processes. |