The Sterisplit provides perfect sealing with either powders or liquids during emptying and filling operations meeting the most rigorous hygiene and safety requirements of product and operator protection. The Sterisplit has one active valve and one passive valve, which dock together making a complete containment solution.
Avoiding cross-contamination is vitally important when handling hazardous bulk material or any product which must not be exposed to the ambient air.
Sterisplit - Split Butterfly Valve
The Rotovalve Heavy has a similar design to the standard light duty valve, but the internal profile of the valve ensures a full shut-off condition during the cyclic operation. The design and features of the valve are optimised for applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
Rotovalve Heavy - Rotary Valve
The Rotovalve Light improves product flow and helps prevent build-up in the product discharge phase. The alternating movement of the blades allows for a constant and regular feed and is the ideal solution for powder loading to compression machines, fillers, mills and weighing stations.
Rotovalve Light - Rotary Valve
A special clamp is supplied with the valve, making it more ergonomic and easy to dissemble.
For these applications, the Flexivalve is recommended. The Flexivalve is a special butterfly valve with a flexible silicone coated disc and a soft seat that permits the control and isolation of the product flow without damage.
The control of fragile products such as capsules and tablets, pearl drops or plugs made of rubber or silicone, does not allow for the use of traditional butterfly valves, as these products may be damaged when the valve is opened and closed.
Flexivalve - Flexible Vane Valves
The standard range of Sterivalve butterfly valves offers an advanced technological answer to the control of powder granules and liquids. The Sterivalve range meets the most stringent hygienic and functional requirements demanded by industry today. The compact design, with a crevice-free smooth bore and easy strip-down, allows for total cleaning of the valve.
Sterivalves - Butterfly Valves
Special lightweight PTFE bodied valves can also be supplied. One of the major advantages of the Sterivalve system is the compact design that offers a very slim profile to the main body. Modular construction and interchangeable parts helps keep the spares requirements to a minimum.
The Sterivalves range of stainless steel modular hygienic valves offers the ideal solution for the control of powders and liquids in the pharmaceutical and associated industries. Most valves can be manufactured to meet special applications and come with an extensive range of accessories including actuators, position sensors, mounting flanges and control systems.
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