Automatic Centralized systems are used to direct lubricant from a central source to areas on a machine where friction is a problem.
No lube point can be forgotten.
Reduce maintenance and repair costs, cuts undesirable wear and tear increases the parts service life four times over comparing to same part lubricated manually.
Reduces the lubricant consumption up to 50 % compared with manual lubrication.
Improved safety. Almost 50 % occupational accidents occur on construction machines while maintenance and repair.
The lubrication takes place dynamically and automatically without any intervention of the maintenance staff and operator.
Very cost effective investment for your company.
Maximum performance obtaining by preventing loss of time due to equipment down time.
Increased component life tops the list of benefits. Potential savings through increased component life, productivity gains and lower grease consumption will return your investment several
times over.
Each connected lube point receives a metered amount of grease in assured cleanliness and in case of any failure occurred, it is monitored by an electronic warning control unit.
No risk of contamination during lubrication process and contributes environmental protection.
Automatic Centralized systems are used to direct lubricant from a central source to areas on a machine where friction is a prb.