ELMACOM is a Company that in the best way unites development, production and market activities in order to satisfy partners need. In the previous period our Company realized very good results as manufacturer and as official representative of famous Yugoslav Companies on the following fields:1. Hydraulics and Pneumatic equipment- Hydraulics fittings,- Gear pumps and motors,- Piston axial pumps and motors,- Piston radial motors,- Cylinders,- Valves and distributors,- Electromagnetic distributors,- Pneumatic braking system components,- Electromagnets for hydraulics devices,- Electromagnets for pneumatic devices.Mentioned products, which are made according ISO standards, we heve been successfully placed on few European countries and Russian Union.2. CooperationBesides upper cited activities, we are able to organize a production of mechanical parts and assemblies as well as supervision of quality and delivery terms in factories, which have got good previous references in these fields.ELMACOM will insist on maintenance of technological processes stability of homologous procedures application in enterprises where production is executed.All technological processes and procedures that will use in this production have to be homologous by authorized international body and in accordance with corresponding standards.Production organizing is performed in factories which have great number of complex machine types:? CNC milling machines,? CNC coordinating machines,? CNC grinding machines,? CNC erosimates with electrode,? CNC erosimates with wire,? Grinding machines for plane grinding,? Sharpening machines, optical and classic,? Grinding machines for round internal and external grinding,? Universal milling machines,? Universal lathes.Technological processes of thermic treatment:? Improvement, releasing, normalization, gliwing,? Hardening, induction hardening,? Cementation,? Nitration,? Ionic nitration.Technological processes of surface protection:? Eloxage of Al-alloys,? Plating with chromium of cylinder and plane surfaces,? Plating with cadmium,? Plating with zinc,? Coloration.All factories where the production is executed posses ISO9001 or ISO9002 cartificate.Mentioned activities, ELMACOM successfully doing with few Companies in West Europe.
ELMACOM is a Company that in the best way unites development, production and market activities in or |