Compressors : Open type, Semi- Hermetic, Hermetic
Fan Motors
Air Conditioning & Automotive Hand Servicing Tools
Cooling Towers
Heat Exchangers
Filter Driers & Filter Drier Shells
Compressor Oils
Cleaning & Preventive Maintainence Chemicals
Insulation Materials
Solenoid Valves
Solenoid Coils
Thermal Expansion Valve
With more than 39 years experience in the Malaysian market, Tong Kian is one of the pioneer leading suppliers in Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning, Automotive Equipments and spare parts
industry in Malaysia.
Tong Kian was established since 1966 and is currently the sole agents representing the following reputable brands : Bristol Compressors, Dorin, Hanbell, Kason, Sporlan, Ranco, SWEP, Yellow
Jacket, Invensys, Cos-Val. With our experience and global partnerships with the above mentioned brands we have been supplying many Original Equipment Manufacturers in Malaysia.
Given its industrial exposure, Tong Kian is also involved in the Educational & Training industry with our supply of Electronic & Mechanical Simulators and other training equipment to various
Polytechnics and technical schools throughout Malaysia.
With our wide range of quality products and brands Tong Kian is your one stop solution to meet all your Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration needs.
Tong Kian is one of the pioneer leading suppliers in Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning, Automotive Equipments
Power Source: | Electrical |