Easily mounted over entrance ways of warehousedoors up to 16 feet high, the air curtains direct aninvisible stream of stratified heated air downward. Inaddition to adding to employee and customer comfortduring cold weather they provide important energysavings in three ways:1. In cold weather they reduce the load on heatingsystems. By drawing warm air down to floor levelwhere it is needed, our air curtains utilize the 50%of wasted heated air trapped under ceilings. Stratifiedair is mixed and circulated with building heat and heatgiven off by lights and machinery, etc. ENERGY Our air curtains conserve energy and improve comfort bylimiting the escape of internal heat, reducing cold draftsand providing a welcoming down flow curtain of warmair at entrance ways in industrial plants and store buildings.The resulting mixture of warmed air disperses gently in alldirections at floor level to give uniform temperature overa wide area from floor to ceiling with only a few degreesdifference. 2. The high velocity curtain of air deflects winds andreduces excessive heat loss through open doorways. 3. During warm weather they can direct a stream of airdownward to help keep dust, dirt, insects and fumes fromentering through open doorways. If air conditioning existsin the building during warm weather, the air curtains canbe used to prevent loss of conditioned air as well.
the air curtains direct an
invisible stream of stratified heated air downward.