Using a supplied hot water spout attachment, you can produce hotwater continuously for up to two minutes. Most dispensing actions canbe stopped or started by pressing the same button a second time.
The Prima Donna takes both beans and pre-ground coffee. If you usebeans, you can set the fineness (or coarseness) of the grind using acoffee mill inside the bean dispenser. You can customise everything toyour personal tastes, from the number and size of coffees you makethrough to the amount of milk or coffee that is dispensed.
The Magnifica Prima Donna is claimed as the only coffee maker tofeature three automatic milk functions to steam and dispense the rightamount of froth and milk to create a cappuccino, macchiato or latte. Itincludes a variable milk jug which adjusts the amount of steam toensure the frothiness of the milk is also matched to the choice ofbrew.
Sell Delonghi Primadonna coffee machine