- Mokador have developed an Espresso Machine and Coffee System that iss simple, clean and quick.
- It delivers a quality coffee that is consistant with flavour and enjoyable every time.
- Just remove a Mokador Coffee Pod from its individual sealed pack, place it in the machine and press a button for your desired espresso coffee.
- No fiddling with coffee beans or messy ground coffee.
- No Wastage.
- No Fuss.
- A World class FRESH Mokador espresso every time.
- Mokador have taken the Barista out of the equation in making a perfect coffee.
- The Grinding of the beans (No Mess).
- The Dosing (Correct measurementto ensureou get a great coffee).
- The Tampering - Correct pressure which the coffee is packed.
- All this is done by Mokador and sealed in a pod to ensure quality and consistency every time.
- It means you can throw away the old coffee machine that is sitting under the kitchen bench and have this fantastic looking machine that we guarantee you will use every day .... without the
hassle of cleaning .... and we know you will get great coffee every time.
Mokador have developed an Espresso Machine and Coffee System that iss simple, clean and quick