At the touch of a button, it grinds whole beans, doses, tamps, andextracts authentic espresso, complete with a thick, golden crema. Thebuilt-in grinder is adjustable for a finer or coarser grind of yourfresh beans, but the machine also features a bypass doser for anypreground coffee (eg decaf) you may want to use. After brewing, theused coffee grounds are automatically ejected into an internal dumpbox. Saeco has also included the Rapid Steam feature, which allows youto go from espresso extraction to steaming with no wait time! Your milkcan be frothed using either the Panarello wand or the Cappuccinatore,which pulls milk from an external container, froths it for you, anddispenses it into your cup. Includes brew group key, 7g coffee scoopand a water hardness test strip.
Saeco has made navigation of the coffee machine's system optionsdramatically easier by adding an independent menu button and updatedcontrol panel. With its low learning curve and capacity for producing60 cups a day, the Royal Cappuccino espresso machine is perfect forhome or small office use.
The ideal coffee machine for a small office or a busy home. With abuilt-in grinder and milk frother the Royal Cappuccino coffee machinewill make excellent coffees easily and quickly. The only Saeco coffeemachine that can froth milk and pour two espressos all at the sametime, made possible by the twin boilers and twin pumps. Imagine soft and frothy cappuccino, or a superb espresso at the touch of a button.
Sell Royal Cappuccino Coffee Machine