We have assembled some of
the best Premium Detailing
Accessory Materials that will
provide everything you need
to get the job done. All that
needs to be added is your
favorite cleaning chemical
products and good old fashion
Elbow Grease. This kit is compact
, but comprehensive. It
can be brought with you everywhere
as it is easily stowed.
This Kit will be packed in an
attractive reusable Vinyl Draw
String Bag
This compact kit packs a big Detailing Punch.
Kit Contents
17x13 Premium PVA Drying Synthetic Chamois Popular Chamois
in a Tube
7x10 Micro fiber Wash & Dust Mitt Use Wet for Washing and Dry
for Dusting
12x12 (3-pack) Multipurpose Micro fiber Detailing Cloths Use for
cleaning , Dusting , Polishing and Wax Removal
Product #: DETK-200
Case Pack: 12