Offering the #1 cleaning cloth for the Home, Auto, Motorcyle, Boat & RV environment. Leaves all surfaces Streak Free, Spot Free - Lint & Dust Free. More effective than chemicals, using water ONLY - it is environmentally friendly.. Guaranteed NOT to leave streaks, spots (lint or dust) on any hard surfaces including windows, windshields, mirrors, Lexan, corian, granite, glass-topped & black appliances. Did we mention chrome, stainless steel, porcelain & laminates? Oh yeah... and then there's shower doors, fiberglass, ceramic tile.... get the picture? Preferred by professionals, the exceptional cloth offered by Advanced Cleaning Technologies replaces 90% of the paper towel usage around the home and auto. It also saves time, money & frustration by replacing cleaning chemicals including - but definitely not limited to: window cleaners & glass cleaners windshield cleaners appliance cleaners surface & floor cleaners The exclusive technology of the cloth does the work removing: grease, grime, dirt, bugs, tar, smoke, fingerprints, stickiness, brake dust, boot marks, dog nose prints and more. Our cloths are made from an exclusive, patented technology we term MiraFiber". Do not be misled by cloths that may look similar, but will not perform as well or be as durable as the cloth sold by Advanced Cleaning Technologies. If you have an interest in purchasing cloths individually or even in exploring the potentials of distribution, feel free to talk with the person who invited you onto our site. All those in the MiraFiber" wholesale distribution system are dedicated to helping you meet your goals.
Offering the #1 cleaning cloth for the Home, Auto, Motorcyle, Boat & RV environment. |