Call for more information on these exciting new products and services!
Thank you for visiting our web site. We are conveniently located approximately 6 miles west of Cumming at the corner of Post Road and Canton Hwy. We carry a great selection of quality earth
products such as mulch, decorative rock, sand, top soil, planting soil, etc. We also carry a number of quarry products such as M10's, crusher run, #57 stone (gravel) and we can get any other quarry
product: Surge Stone, Rip Rap, #34 stone, etc.,
Take a look at the products pictured below and if you have any questions about anything please feel free to call and ask. Products may be picked up on our yard or delivered. If you need help
figuring the amount of product needed, click on the (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet) and just plug in your numbers. Call or Email us for pricing.
Landscape Rocks and Boulders We just received a huge shipment of landscape rocks and boulders and we're in the process of getting them priced and on the yard for display. If large rock is on
your next project agenda, come by and check these out! We have all sizes but once they're gone, they're gone so for the best selection don't hesitate! Plus, we got such a great deal on this rock
that we can beat anybody's price! We can even tell you how to grow moss on them if you want to add some character to your rocks! Check 'em out!
We are also now doing light grading and miscellaneous bobcat work. for more information.
A1 will be selling seasoned firewood this year and it will be available beginning in the fall for pickup or delivery. Call us at 770-781-9949 for more information.