We are harvesting thatching reed for traditional roofmaking, and longer reed for creating reedplates and woren reed; and also several products which are used in the housebuilding industry.
We started harvesting reed and making reed products in the middle of the 1980s. We are cutting reed in a big area (cca. 3.000 Hektar) in middle and in Eastern Hungary as well.
We are writing you from the middle of Europe, from Hungary. Our companys main profile is dealing with waterreed throughout Europe.
Tatching reed for traditional roofmaking in Europe.
AG-01 series pneumatic cylinder reed switch sensor The new AG-01 pneumatic reed switch sensor series is suitable for AIRTAC 4.35*4.5 square grooves, which can replace the DS1-G of AIRTAC; the embedded stainless steel nut strengthens the structural strength, making the AG-01 ...
Come From ALIF TECH. CO., LTD.
AG-01 series pneumatic cylinder reed switch sensor The new AG-01 pneumatic reed switch sensor series is suitable for AIRTAC 4.35*4.5 square grooves, which can replace the DS1-G of AIRTAC; the embedded stainless steel nut strengthens the structural strength, making the AG-01 ...
Come From ALIF TECH. CO., LTD.
AG-01 series pneumatic reed switch sensor The new AG-01 magnetic reed switch for pneumatic cylinder series is suitable for AIRTAC 4.35*4.5 square grooves, which can replace the DS1-G of AIRTAC; the embedded stainless steel nut strengthens the structural strength, making the ...
Come From ALIF TECH. CO., LTD.