Any industry if it does not develop, is not improved, it appears impractical in the modern world. During all history development of manufacture is connected, mainly, with creation of new kinds of production and new technologies. To firm UNLU which is being today in the lead Company in the domestic market on manufacture of ploughs, already more than 37 years. And for this period the Company has achieved significant successes in perfection of the technics, and despite of that fact, that on the market of some the CIS countries has left recently, technics UNLU already has had time to gain trust of colleagues from near and far abroad the European quality, high reliability and acceptability the prices. And interest which is caused with technics of mark UNLU at the international exhibitions, exhibiting the newest technologies in the world of the agricultural industry, once again confirms - shortly it is possible to expect, that UNLU becomes one of popular and favourite marks of agricultural machinery of some regions of Russia, the CIS countries and the far abroad.
To firm UNLU which is being today in the lead Company in the domestic market on manufacture of ploughs