Water and soil- two most valuable gifts bestowed by Mother nature on mankind - aregradually getting destroyed to serve the vested interest of humanbeings. We, Agritech Services, aim to save theenvironment by preserving water and soil through proper and economicalways of using them. Incorporated in the year 1999, we are a well known supplier, designer and developer of high capacity water grids in the form of IndoorFountains, Music Fountain, Dancing Fountain, Outdoor Water Fountain,Sprinkler Systems, Drip Irrigation Systems, Water Supply Networks,Water Boosting Systems, etc. The entire commissioning onthese systems is also done by us. Fabricated and designed using thelatest technology, these systems are an ideal source of saving everydrop of water and use them in the most effective manner to save soiland the environment. With years of rich experience, we havesuccessfully undertaken various irrigation and fountain installationprojects for eminent research institutes and companies
We design this fountains as per customer's specifications.
Model Number: | 03 |
Brand Name: | agritech |
Place of Origin: | India |