Non-edible Oils and Soap Industry, one of the Village Industries under the programme of Khadi and Village Industries Commission has been doing a pioneering work since 1953 with a view to utilising the tree-borne oilseeds such as Sal, Neem and Mahua which were going waste and to create employment opportunities in rural and tribal areas by way of collection of these non-edible oilseeds, processing of oilseeds for oils and manufacture of laundry and toilet soaps using these non-edible oils.The non edible oils and soap industries development programme has under its fold the following features.:Augmentation of collection of non edible oil seeds of tree origin arranging their crushing and their utilisation in soap manufacture. Producing quality soaps both Laundry Soap and Toilet soaps with non-edible Oils and sale of the same to the consumers at competitive rates. Manufacture of Synthetic Detergents cake/Powder (Recently taken up) Provision of employment to the weaker section the collection of non edible oilseed wealth
Non-edible Oils and Soap Industry