The name of our company is kds accessories and dominox im limited (tac bd). Kds is one of the largest and most diversified business groups in Bangladesh. Kds accessories division is one this concern. We have thread, poly, printing, and packaging, labels, plastics and embroidery factory under this division. The accessories facility at kds is the only composite unit with all manufacturing facilities in one complex. Manned by qualified professionals with expertise in their own line of business, each of the installations ensures that its entire product is subject to strict international quality standards. The world-class supply chain management system at work ensures speedy and on-time deliveries even in the most critical situations.Please note that we are nominated for tac and k-mart hanger manufacture and supplier.Our international office in Hong kong has fully skilled to service the vendors with the most comprehensive services including hanger manufacturing, product development and designing.We can deliver any garments accessories from Hong kong/China also.Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The name of our company is kds accessories and dominox im limited (tac bd). Kds is one of the larges |