Thick perfumed anti-static liquid fabric softener.
Area of use
For use in most industries where laundry is cleaned e.g. Hotels, households, laundry services etc
Appearance and pH
Thick blue creamy liquid pH ?
Economical Perfumed Water dilutable Safe on all surfaces
Directions for use
"Softie" must be added to the final rinse water Ensure that the final rinse water contains no detergent residue. (it should be neutral) Industrial use; Use 200 to 500mls "Softie" per 50kg
dry laundry weight. Domestic use; Use 30 to 100mls "Softie" per 5kg dry laundry weight
Store at room temperature between 15 and 28 degrees C Keep container sealed when not in use Avoid eye contact
Spill and leaks
Wipe off with a damp cloth or rinse away with water
Do not drink Keep out of reach of children
The recommendations contained herein are based on laboratory tests and in-field experience, and are to the best of our knowledge, accurate. Since conditions of actual use are beyond our
control, all recommendations are made without warranty, express or implied.