where the cultural meaning and the cognitive and emotional potential of lunchtime are made explicit
to support intentional exchanges and encourage self-sufficiency in a setting that is warm and responsive,
necessary to create an environment where the furnishings, the lights, the proximities and distances are able
Meals can be an opportunity for self-sufficiency, self-control, learning, pleasure, and friendship. It is therefore
of interacting with others.
context is also made up of light, smells, sounds and noises, where eating becomes an important moment
involves taste, smell, sight, the sensations of hot and cold, and the consistency and volume of foods. This
Lunch therefore does not simply mean satisfying physiological needs but is a multisensory context that
which food is presented at mealtimes, and they learn what mealtime means in their local culture.
They learn how to feed themselves, but also and above all their palate is educated in relation to the ways in
the opportunity to experience this moment with other children.
adults and children, as well as in a community, be it infant-toddler center or preschool, where children have
As is well known, mealtime has a very important symbolic and relational value in the lives of each one of us,
adults and children, as well as in a community, be it infant-toddler center or preschool, where children have