A Thechnology leader of rice-box industry, Shin-Samik. It produced metallic rice-box for the first time in 1972, and in 1988, succeeded in developing multi-purpose rice-box 'Damo-A' Shin-Samik has
maintained the 1st in the domestic rice-box sales making continuous renovations in kitchen appliances. Looking forward to the 21th century, it is trying to become a total home appliances maker base
on 25 years of experience in rice-box makings. Recently, Shin-Samick is selling picnic Ice-box table, Trash-Can, Pressure-cooker, Air cleaner, Bio-kimchi box. It is still concentrating on the
examination of kitchen wares and on the development of new items and has been acknowledged a thechnology.
A Thechnology leader of rice-box industry, Shin-Samik