KF-287G Pinhole Glasses
1,The glass helps to relax the eyeball muscle, and adjust eye focus.
2,Theory is very simple: when the eyes can only look through the small holes, they naturally change focus to a relaxing standard, so that the eyeballs are relieved from the previous nervous
3,You can feel the relaxation once you ware it and afterwards.
4,Good and simple eye relaxation for a large population whose job causes
5,tired eyes: students, teacher, white collar, computer users.. age from child to aged people, etc.
A Safe, relaxing and completely, natural vision training technique.
Many people who've used pinhole glasses, for even a short time, comment
on how more relaxed their eyes are and how they can see more clearly.
Pin Hole glasses are most suitable for activities such as sitting
indoors and outside, reading, computer work, and watching TV.
--traditonal design & modern design
--Use stretchy and indefectible material PP
--considerably cheaper than prescription glasses