Atlantic Salmon Fly Tyer?A Memoir, By Keith Fulsher is currently in production. CFFCM Member and world class fly tyer, Keith Fulsher, shares his most memorable Atlantic Salmon fishing experiences
and the evolution of hair wing salmon flies. Keith provides his personal tying tips and techniques with clear and concise step-by-step instructions. Included are over 40 of his favorite hair wing
salmon flies in full color with patterns, 20 never seen before. This 8x10 hard cover edition will contain 140 total pages with 109 in full color. First Printing will be limited to 250 copies. Of
the 250 copies, 40 individual special editions will be available and each to include one of the flies from the production of this book. Special Editions are $75 each, the remaining 210 will be
$34.95; postage included. Please contact the CFFCM office for a copy at your earliest convenience. All proceeds from the sale of this book will benefit the Catskill Fly Fishing Center and
CFFCM Online Art Gallery
Once you click on the link for "CFFCM Online Art Gallery" then you would be brought to "CFFC&M 2008 Art Exhibit Featuring Kim Mellema's Artwork This is our featured Art Exhibit for 2008. Visit
our on-line art gallery, view her artwork and download the brochure:
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