HTML The screws of the anchor have been manufactured under the DIN-933 standard and their quality-hardness is 6.8 (i.e. 60 to 80 kg/mm)
The washer is wide, which gives a bigger allowance for pieces or structures to be fastened.
While performing the fixing of the anchor, the plastic part or ring gets deformed, which fills and blocks the hole of the piece or structure to be fastened; this plastics absorbs material
irregularities, and it is a useful damp-proof piece to protect the inner mechanism of the anchor.
Any screw head available at your request.
The cone has some grooves (milling) in order to prevent the anchor from loose or spin movement after fixing into the hole and ready to expansion.
HTML The screws of the anchor have been manufactured under the DIN-933 standard and their quality-hardness is 6.8 |