Projects that Vertical Limits have been involved in since 2003
Vodacom Mozambique - GSM (2003/08/01-2003/12/15) 1. Mounting and optimizing of antennas 2. mounting brackets for antennas 3. Installed 7/8 feeders including hanger kits, earth
kits, connectors, antenna tails and sure protection. 4. VSWR and Return loss sweep tests. 5. Hand over procedures with client. Installed a total of 25 sites and done the hand over within the
required time limit.
Vodacom Mozambique - Transmission (2003/09/01-2003/12/15) 1. Assembling of antennas (0.3m to 2.4m) 2. Rigging of antennas and outdoor units 3. Feeder installation including
earth kits and sure protection. 4. Installation of indoor units including necessary cabling. Installed 15 sites.
Telkom SA
Panned links between Tafelkop in Ellisras and Rooiberg 85km hop, and from Rooiberg to Koperkop in Alldays 83km hop. Antenna recovery in Middelburg.
Niger and Burkina Faso Celtel
Installed 6 x GSM sites 1. Installed panels and omni antennas. 2. Installed mounting brackets for antennas 3. Installed 7/8 feeders including hanger kits, earth kits, connectors, antenna tails
and sure protection. 4. Sweep tests printed 5. Installed 1 x Transmission link.
DRC Vodacom (Transmission) Installed backbone from Kinshasa to Moanda. (Bascongo area)
Installed the backbone from Mbuji-Maji to Kolwezi.
Installed numerous sites in Lubumbashi Kinshasha and Mbuji-maji including GSM densification and upgrades to 1800 (2G)
1. Assembling of antennas (0.3m to 2.4m) 2. Rigging of antennas and outdoor units. 3. Feeder installation including earth kits and sure protection. 4. Installation of indoor units including
necessary cabling. 5. Commissioning and panning of radios and antennas. 6. Maintenance Installed 96 sites.
UMTS 3G upgrades Vodacom 1. Installed new GSM antennas. 2. Installed feeder 7/8 and 1/4inch incl. earth kits and sure protection. 3. Mounting of antenna poles on buildings and
towers. 4. Sweep tests printed. 5. Installed diplexers and TMA's. 6. Installed new cantree's. Installed 13 sites.
Cell C - GSM 1. Installed panel antennas. 2. Installed mounting brackets for antennas 3. Installed 7/8 feeders including hanger kits, earth kits, connectors, antenna tails and
sure protection. 4. Sweep tests.
UMTS 3G upgrades MTN 1. Installed new GSM antennas. 2. Installed feeder 7/8 and 1/4inch incl. earth kits and sure protection. 3. Mounting of antenna poles on buildings and
towers. 4. Sweep tests printed. 5. Installed diplexers and TMAs. 6. Installed new cantree's. Installed 15 sites
Motorola BTS installations and commissioning 1. Logistics 2. Recovery of M-cell and Horizon I racks and replacing it with new Horizon II radios 3. Commissioning and calibration
of new equipment. Installed 30 sites.
1800 Upgrade in Botswana 1. Installed new GSM antennas. 2. Installed feeder 7/8 and 1/4inch incl. earth kits and sure protection. 3. Mounting of antenna poles on buildings and
towers. 4. Sweep tests printed. 5. Installed diplexers and TMA's. 6. Installed new cantree's. Installed 16 sites.
Mozambique Maintenance ( Siemens) 1. Preventative maintenance on transmission equipment 2. Faultfinding on equipment.
Madagascar ( Venture com ) 1. Container build.(ARP) 2. Reticulation of container.
Plessey ( MTN 3G upgrade) 1 Installed new GSM antennas. 2. Installed feeder 7/8, 1/4 and 1 5/8 inch incl. earth kits and sure protection. 3. Mounting of antenna poles on
buildings and towers. 4. Sweep tests printed. 5. Installed diplexers and ASC's. 6. Installed new cantree's. Installed 28 sites
Botswana (RNS 1800 upgrade for Mascom) 1 Installed new GSM antennas. 2. Installed feeder 7/8 incl. earth kits and sure protection. 3. Mounting of antenna poles on buildings and
towers. 4. Sweep tests printed. 5. Installed diplexers. 6. Installed new cantree's. 7. Installed Ericson RBS's 8. Installed COM10 rectifiers Installed 8 sites
Botswana (RNS TMB installation for Mascom) 1. Installed TMB's (Tower mounted boosters) Installed 1 site
References chris de Brain Site Supervisor Plessy
083 209 1157