Typically, VSC100 and VSC105 SuperClampsTM are used for picking up interior mounting holes while one or more VSC300s or VSC305s are used to stimulate a card cage edge. One or more VSC150s are used to hold small trace-free circuit board edges or VSC400s are substituted for VSC150s to fit into tight places. Two or more VSC500s are used to support any larger vertical daughter boards. All of these clamps are rated for a maximum of 100 Grms and a temperature range of -65 to 150 C.
Our SuperClampsTM are designed to mount on the surface of your shaker utilizing the shakers standard 3/8"-16 mounting holes. By carefully selecting the correct clamp and aligning your product appropriately, almost any circuit board can be successfully tested utilizing its built-in mounting holes and edges.
VSC500-III Dual Vertical Board Support Clamp
VSC400-III Sliding Toggle Clamp
VSC305-III Short Tail Dual Flat Toggle Clamp.
VSC300-III Long Tail Dual Flat Toggle Clamp.
VSC150-III T-Nose Long Tail Flexible Toggle Clamp.
VSC105-III Short Tail 4-40, 6-32 and 8-32 Screw Pier.
Products in this Series include:
VSC100-III Long Tail 4-40, 6-32 and 8-32 Screw Pier.
Circuit Board Clamps for HALT and HASS Testing
Our VibraTekTM VSC SuperClampTM Series III is an integrated, fully matched, and interchangeable set of HALT and HASS circuit board retaining clamps designed to conveniently hold your circuit boards
in place. You can select any combination of SuperClampsTM and they all align at the same height above your vibration table testing surface.
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Circuit Board Clamps for HALT and HASS Testing |