Flexibility : Use of thin flexible S. S. material is an advantage to fitment of variable uniform circular surface as against fixed sectional circular thick walled
M. S. Clamps. Circular arc of Jupiter is adjustable to slight change in the diameter of the mating part which lags in the later.
Wider Bandwidth : Wider bandwidth helps in distribution of total radial clamping pressure more uniformly and equally than narrow width or wire clamp
Vibration-Proofness : Use of self locking nyloc nut or spring helps to avoid re-opening because of vibrations.
Corrosion Resistant : S.S. Band with optional S. S. T-Bolt imparts corrosion resistant Quality and advantage of re-use and failproofness after use.
Strength : Use of High tensile S.S. material in spite of its thin guage helps to secure safety of the euipments and it's longer life.
Light Weight : For the equivalent strength of Jupiter T-Bolt clamps other design out of M.S. will necessitate bigger weight, which may not be
permissible or desirable.
Clamping of Metallic inserts : Clamping of splitted, tubular sheet riser such as Air Cleaner over it's metallic tube insert is possible by Jupiter T-Bolt clamp
due to it's inherited quality of flexibility and above features.
Multifarious design aspect : Reference to various designs will give wide selection of quick opening type, constant torque quality, longer range and other
Reliability : Special care is taken for the production of High Quality T-Bolt to avoid breakage or failure with the help of Modern equipmnts and unique process.