The newly designed and patented Safety Clamp improves operator safety throughout the industry. Developed using the template of our market leading SH Clamp, this new Safety Clamp specifically targets hazardous high temperature steam lines. Steam presents both high temperature and high pressure, so it is particularly important to use a safe clamp for pipe connections and sight glass mounting. The gate style section combined with the stepped eyebolt assures the Safety Clamps bolting mechanism cannot swing open while the clamping union is part or fully assembled. Releasing the Safety Clamp is only possible when the wing-nut has been significantly loosened to enable the smaller diameter of the eyebolt to swing through the sectioned gate, ensuring the Safety Clamp cannot be knocked or accidentally opened. Complete wing-nut removal is not necessary to open the Safety Clamp since the design guarantees the eyebolt cannot swing open while the clamping union is subjected to either clamping forces or internal pressures. Sanitary clamps are made specifically for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries where joint cleanliness and efficient material flow are of paramount importance. Compared to common pipe flange connections, sanitary pipe connections provide lower costs, quicker and easier access, and greater cleanability.
The newly designed and patented Safety Clamp improves operator safety throughout the industry. |