Description Retail
Spike Feet I $39.95
Kit includes eight 6mm black spikes, nuts flush mounting plate and mounting screws
Spike Feet II $39.95
Kit includes eight 6mm black spikes, nuts and brass inserts. Brad point drill and drill stop included.
6mm Spikes and nuts only (not shown) $29.95
Eight 6mm black spikes and lock nuts to replace lost or damaged spikes. Fits most European stands and speakers.
8mm Spikes and nuts only (not shown) $34.95
Eight 8mm conical spikes and lock nuts. Available in Silver or Black finish. Fits most European stands and speakers.
Spike Feet II - This kit uses solid brass flush-mounted inserts to secure the spikes. A brad-point cabinet maker's drill bit is supplied with each kit. The drill bit produces perfect flat-bottom holes, without tearing up veneers or laminates. A 1/2 inch deep hole is first drilled to accept the brass insert, which is then pounded in with a hammer. The installed insert then sits flush with the surface. Finally a spike and locknut are screwed into each insert, the speaker is leveled and the locknuts tightened.
Spike Feet II - This kit uses solid brass flush-mounted inserts |