Highly precision screws, nuts & washers for eyeglass repair.Metric system, British system, American system, and German system are available.Many customers in worldwide market are using SWI screw, nut & washers for our creditable quality and moderate prices.Over 200models are ready, and we can develop any items for you in very short time.Actually, we are producing over 10million pcs everymonth. So, you can receive qualified SWI products within 15 working days, wherever you are.
Highly precision screws, nuts & washers for eyeglass repair.
Metric system, British system, Ameri
Supply Ability: | 10 million / month |
Minimum Order Quantity: | 10,000pcs / Item |
Model Number: | DS, ES, TS, SN, HN... |
Brand Name: | SWI |
Place of Origin: | Korea |