the []
[Ti:, Ti; TE, T]
THE []
=Technical Help to Exporters []
the []
/TE, Ti; TE, Ti; strong form Ti:; Ti/
6.2. =>Usage at a2 a2. def art (used to make the following n refer to a specific person, thing, event or group , )
---------- 1 ----------
(when it has already been mentioned or implied ):
* A boy and a girl were sitting on a bench. The boy was smiling but the girl looked angry. . , .
* There was an accident here yesterday. A car hit a tree. The driver was killed. . . .
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(when a n is followed by a phrase that restricts its meaning ):
* the centre of town
* the topic of conversation
* the man of her dreams
* the house that Jack built .
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(a) (when it has unique reference ):
* the sun
* the moon
* the stars .
(b) (used with some parts of the natural world without a preceding adj , ):
* The sky was blue. . (Cf There was a blue sky.)
* The sea is rough. . (Cf There's a rough sea.)
* The atmosphere wasstuffy. . (Cf There was a stuffy atmosphere.)4 (when the person or thing that is referred to is obvious within the situation ):
* The milkman was late this morning. .
* Have you seen the paper? ?
* The children are in the garden. .
* Would you pass the salt, please? .
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(used with superlative adjs, first, last, next, etc , first last next):
* the best day of your life
* the hottest day of the holiday
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