The clinching ring locks the displaces metal behind the tapered shank, ensuring high pushout resistance. High torque-out resistance is ensured when the knurled platform is embedded in the sheet metal.
Installation is simple, fast and convenient. Just insert them in punched or drilled holes, then apply a squeezing force to embed the clinching ring completely in the sheet metal.
Clinch nuts use various configurations of pilot holes including hex, D-shaped, round and rectangular. The nut shank must be soft enough to roll over or be clinched by a tool.
A clinch nut is a solid nut with a knurled or smooth shank or pilot projecting from one end. These shanks are inserted into preformed holes in sheet metal and spread, crimped, or rolled over, thus "clinching" them to the parent material.
A clinch nut is a solid nut with a knurled or smooth shank or pilot projecting from one end.