POP Rivetools are furnished with nosepieces to set the most frequently used range of rivet sizes.To order additional nosepieces for other requirements - rivet sizes and types - use the chart below. The nosepieces listed are instantly interchangeable for all tools exceptPRG 511.Type of RivetRivet SizeNosepieceOpen End RivetPRN 314PRN 414PRN 514PRN 614PRN 811PRP 31 #PRP 32 PRP 33A #Closed End Steel MandrelPRN 424PRN 524PRN 624PRN 822PRP 39#Closed End Aluminum MandrelPRN 434PRN 534PRN 634T-RivetPRN 625PRN 8251/4" PRN 826 (Recessed Head) # (PRP 26A Nosepieces Only)Special Long NosepiecesRivet LengthPart Number"A" Shank Diameter"B" Shank DiameterN-130.182N-131N-132N-301N-302.750N-309N-33N-133N-134N-35N-36N-138.687N-139N-140N-332N-333POP ProductsSee POP Tools in ActionSee AutoSet in Action
POP Rivetools are furnished with nosepieces to set the most frequently used range of rivet sizes.To order additional nosepieces |