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The Lamp is a direct retro-fit tube where no modifications or re-wiring is necessary, thus resulting in huge saving in installation, plus very little down-time for your operations.
While there are other products that could save energy, they usually involve re-wiring of an electronic ballast into the fitting, and changing the tube.
Improved power factor also means less stress on your cabling and switchgears. You will also be able to obtain more capacity from your electrical system as a direct result of the improved power factor.
Power factor is improved from 0.55 to 0.85. This means that you do not need as much PF correction capacitors.
Low voltage starting, less noise and wide range of operating voltage (160v to 270v) with high efficiency electronic ballast and high power factor
Although it costs more initially compare to the normal type of fluorescent, the payback for the additional costs is typically only 3 - 7 months depending on your average usage.
25w - brightness is average but stil brighter than the normal type; giving you up to 25% - 30% brightness. 25w MORE on energy saving side
More importantly, will save you in excess of 60% energy consumption
Our lamp can save you from 30% to 35% of power usage
Energy Saving Fluorescent only 25watt with built in high efficient electronic ballast. Direct retro fit with your old tube. |