Eskom wants to increase the cost by 30%. That means we will be paying 80.89 cents per kW soon!!!
Happy energy and money saving!
Total cost per month = R4.48 per month
The standard globe costs 7.2 kilo watts x 62.73 cents
Total cost per month = R0.82
Therefore the energy saver costs 1.320 kilo watts x 62.23 cents
Electricity costs 62.23 cents per kilo watt hour
=7200 watts or 7.2 kilo watt hours per month
=4 hrs x30 days x 60 watts
Standard globe of 60 watts
=1320 watts or 1.320 kilo watt hours per month
=4 hrs x30 days x11 watts
Energy Saver of 11 watts
Assuming the lamp burns for 4 hours per evening the total power consumed per lamp would be:-
Examples of money saved by using .
Fitting timers to your hot water cylinder
Fitting heat insulating blankets to your hot water cylinder.
Replacing incandescent lamps with energy saving lamps.
Simple Solutions that work are:-
There are numerous ways to save electricity but we, in South Africa are very restricted by the cost recovery period. In simple terms, this means that unless the energy saving costs are not recovered within a 2-4 year period it should not be considered viable. However one should consider that with the annual increase in the cost of electricity, more and more energy saving options will become viable.
Replacing incandescent lamps with energy saving lamps. Fitting heat insulating blankets to your hot water cylinder |