These tips and others will ultimately save you money and you will be doing your part to help the energy, pollution and climate change crisis's we face.
7. Switch to greener power. Installing a grid tie solar, wind or hydro system into your home will save the planet as well lower your monthly electric bill.
6. Heating hot water is a huge energy drain. We have an "on demand" hot water heater made by Aqua Star. Hot water is heated as it is needed instead of being heated constantly in a tank. This water heater works excellent and saves up to 75% on heating water.
5. Be energy, conservation and environmentally conscious. Turn off lights. Drive less. Recycle trash. You might even start to compost kitchen waste for your garden.
4. When shopping for an new car, look for a hybrid or a ULEV (ultra low emission vehicle) designation. We must start now to curtail greenhouse gasses or suffer the consequences of global warming and climate change. Gas prices will increase and high efficiency automobiles will pay off in the near future.
3. Storm windows and doors can save up to 25% on your cooling and heating energy draw. They also add some security to your dwelling. If you are replacing your windows, look for air infiltration rates and buy the best you can afford. Double or triple pane windows with argon gas in between the glass panels is the best.
2. Look for the "Energy Star" logo when you are shopping for appliances. This designation means this appliance takes less energy to operate.
1. The easiest change you can make to conserve energy is to replace all your incandescent light bulbs (the round ones) with fluorescent (the curly ones) light bulbs. The fluorescent bulbs last for years and use up to one forth of the energy. The light is equivalent or better than incandescent light.
If we stay on our current path, planet earth will become uninhabitable in this century. Our children and grandchildren will inherit these negative climate changes, look back upon us and ask, "What were you thinking". We will dedicate our time and business to join the battle to clean up our atmosphere, industry and environment.
There are many quick low cost changes we can make to conserve energy. Every watt we save will help cut greenhouse gas emissions. As climate change takes place with global warming, the threat to people's comfort zones will initiate a worldwide movement to conserve energy, drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions and clean up our environment.
Energy Conservation Tips
There are many quick low cost changes we can make to conserve energy. Every |