P-20 Energy Conservation System is a patented (Patent # 181362, 10.08.1992), effective and innovative technology that is capable of contributing tangible saving in lighting consumption. The focus has been to improve the efficiency of lighting and provide industries with the flexibility to consume desired energy without having to burn out.P-20 is designed to save up to 20% of electrical energy used for lighting systems. The intelligent device is designed to optimize the consumption of electrical energy in discharge lamps.The product consists of an impedance coil with safety arrangement in a steel sheet enclosure with an on-off switch, bypass and tap changing arrangement in auto and manual mode to meet specific system voltage requirements. P-20 provides the much-needed intelligence - by introducing impedance across the circuit such as to optimize the current flow and voltage to deliver maximum efficiency, i.e. power input/light output. The product has been carefully designed to ensure that voltage reduction in no way impairs the luminaire to strike according to the system voltage. P-20 works effectively and efficiently on sodium and mercury vapour lamps as well, enhancing the opportunity for energy saving in relation to energy reductions brought about with the use of proportionately less energy. P-20 devices are available for single and three phase environments and range from capacities ranging between 1.5 KVA to 300.0 KVA.
P-20 Energy Conservation System is a patented (Patent # 181362, 10.08.1992), effective and innovativ