DIFFERENT COLOR : Astra Lighting Limited offers lamps in many colors to suit virtually any lighting application. Outlined below are the various color temperature ( CCT ) currently available: ? Warm-white ww, T < 3300K: Used as a replacement for very warm incandescent lamps. Used as a generl warm, white light source, available in clear or coted finish for retail or intet\rior application: blends with halogen lamps. ? Neutral White nw: 3300>T<5000K: Used as a neutral white light source, available in clear or coated finish for general lighting, factories, parking lots, warehouse.A moderately high CCT daylight light source , used in general and retali lighting applications. ? Daylight dw: T > 5000K: A high CCT daylight source used to simulate average outdoor light conditions 10,000 - 20,000 K A very CCT, daylight light source, used in horticulture and aquarium application ? Special Color : Designer color lamps that produce blue, green, aqua, and pink lightare available for sepcial applications where color is needed without light loss due to filters. PROPER USE OF METAL HALIDE LAMP : Correct operation and Warnings for High Intensity Discharge lamp: High intensity discharge (HID) lamps requir auxiliary equipment (ballasts, capacitors, ignitors or power supplies) to provide the correct electrical value for starting and operating. This auxiliary equipment must meet all electrical specification outlined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or IES> Ad\stra lighting limited will not be responsible for poor performance, personal injury, property damage, burns or fire from lamps operating on unapproved equipment.Power should always be returned off and preferably locked out in accordance with local guidelines whenever installation, removal or maintenance is perfomed on lighting systems. Safety glasses and loves should be used when instralling or removing HID lamps. Lamps Should be installed firmly in to appropriate lamp sockets, with out over tightening, to avoid loosening from vibration.HID lamps and their arc tubes operate at extremely high temperature and may shatter as a result of misapplication, system failure or other factors. Scratches on the outer bulb, direct contact with water or excessive installation pressure canalso cause these lamps to break, Breakage may release extrenemly hot glass and lamp parts in to the surrounding environment and raise the risk of fire, personal injury or property damage. Injury may also be caused by ultraviolet energy from an unjackeeted HID lamp. If the outer Jacket should break, immediately turn the power off. Do not remove a lamp until it has completely cooled the replace it with newAstra lamp. In areas susceptible of personal injury, users should seek additional protective measures by using open fixture (O-rated) lamps and enclosed luminaries. ? Luminaire Requirements and operating positions : It is imperative that users adhere to specified luminaire and lamp operating position and requirements. The operation of a lamp in positions other than those specified can result in severe reductions in lamp performance, including lamp life, light output color. Incorrect operating positions can also create the possibility of an early failure.Refer to each lamp's technical data specification sheet to determine correct operating position and luminaire requirements. Also, refer to the diagram in this section to determine allowable operating position. CAUTION ? Warning ! This lamp can cause serious skin burn and eye inflammation from short-wave ultraviolet radiation if outer envelope of the lamp is broken or punctured and the arc tube continues to operate. Do not use where people will remain for more than a few minutes unless adequate shielding or other safety precautions are used. Lamps that will automatically extinguish when the outer envelope is broken or punctured are commerically available."Careful adherence to the precautions mentioned above may not eliminated all possible risks associated with the use of metal halide lamps, but will reduce the likelihood of injury or property damage. ? End-of-Life and Reduction of Risk : At end-of-life, the vast majority of metal halide lamps will fail simply by not regniting. On rare occasions, metal halide lamps may fail in a violent manner. The possibility of this failure is significantly reduced by group relamaping at or before the rated end of life, In any application where lamps are operated continuously (24 hrs/day, seven days/week), the lamps should always be turned off for a period of at least 15 minutes once a week, a precaution that can reduced the possibility of violent failures. This procedure is not required when Astra's open rated, shrouded lamps are used. ? Starting and Restarting Characteristics : Probe start metal halide lamps will start at ambient temperature of -30 C (-22F) or higher. Full light output does not occur immediately when power is applied to any metal halide lamp; there is a time delay of at least two to four minutes after starting for lamps reach full light output. After lamps have started, a power interruption 1/4 cycle (1/240th of second) or more may cause the lamps to extinguish. Several minutes are required before an arc can be re-established by the ballast and full light output achieved. The exact time is dependent on a number of factors including lamp wattage, ballast and ignitor Characteristics, ambient temperature, fixture dimensions and supply voltage. The time needed to establish full light output can be as short as three minutes and as long as 15 to 20 minutes. In general, pulse start technology dramatically decreases the time for hot restart. Astra's exclusive uni-form pulse start formed body arc tube provides warm-up and hot restrike in up to 60% less tome and allows better starting, even down to -40 C (-40F). ? Main Voltage : The standard operating conditions for the lamp is in an AC voltage network with supply voltage at 230V/50 HZ. Some special market lamps have to operate at 400V/ 50 HZ m - supply network. On deviated supply voltage special ballast with appropriate tap must be used.Permitted mains voltage of HPSV lamps is :
On deviated supply voltage special ballast with appropriate tap must be used. |