Hi-Lite videoconference lighting provides the highest quality of diffused lighting to greatly improve the appearance of videoconference participants. On-screen images will appear sharper, with better detail and more accurate color rendition. Recessed Series Hi-Lites feature multiple dimming options and operating voltages. The XLR model includes a built-in infrared dimmer, the EXR is wired for external three-wire dimming systems, and the NXR is our non-dimming recessed model. All three recessed models include two 50-watt, 3500?K compact fluorescent lamps in a flush-mount, recessed enclosure. Each light also includes an installation kit complete with safety cabling and electrical connectors. * Recessed flush-mount enclosure. * Low-profile construction. * Directional, diffused light source. * Removable electronic chassis
Hi-Lite videoconference lighting provides the highest quality of diffused lighting |