Create the rosiness' new apothosis using innovation science and technology in the futureThe moonlight D series of ANSORG also named the classic type is the leading product that is well known in the European market for a long time. Not only giving prominence to showing the novelty, noble, and elegance appearance and safety, but also focus on their indwelling quality innovation, possessing high ray efficiency (62Lm / W) , better Rendition gender (82Ra) , longer life-span (e10, 000h) , more on-off times (10, 000 times) , luminous flux maintenance (2, 000h) e82% and steady malfunction efficiency (d1. 5% ) during the life period. The ANSORG DMS refers to microminiature helix style called SL light that is composed of? Mm twist shape tube and? 8 mm PC mill finish plastic shell, which is designed into four power specifications, they are 9W, 11W, 13W, and the 15W. This patters uses the high grade rare earth tricolor fluorescence powder lamp tube, unites optimized and precise European electronic ballast technology. It has the characteristics of delicacy and elegance figuration, it applies abroad domicile, the store, the office, the hotel and multitudinous Places. DMS SL 9WVolts: 220V | 120V, Power: 9WFreq: 50Hz | 60Hz, Current: 65mAPower factor: e0. 58Color temperature: 2, 700K | 4, 100K | 6, 400KLight flux: e550LmRendition index: e82RaColor difference: d5SDCMBase: E27 | B22Average life: 10, 000hDimension: ? 6mmxl120mmDMS SL 11WVolts: 220V | 120V, Power: 11WFreq: 50Hz | 60Hz, Current: 85mAPower factor: e0. 58Color temperature: 2, 700K | 4, 100K | 6, 400KLight flux: e680LmRendition index: e82RaColor difference: d5SDCMBase: E27 | B22Average life: 10, 000hDimension: ? 6mmxl124mmDMS SL 13WVolts: 220V | 120V, Power: 13WFreq: 50Hz | 60Hz, Current: 100mAPower factor: e0. 58Color temperature: 2, 700K | 4, 100K | 6, 400KLight flux: e800LmRendition index: e82RaColor difference: d5SDCMBase: E27 | B22Average life: 10, 000hDimension: ? 6mmxl128mmDMS SL 15WVolts: 220V | 120V, Power: 15WFreq: 50Hz | 60Hz, Current: 110mAPower factor: e0. 58Color temperature: 2, 700K | 4, 100K | 6, 400KLight flux: e950LmRendition index: e82RaColor difference: d5SDCMBase: E27 | B22Average life: 10, 000hDimension: ? 6mmxl134mm
Create the rosiness' new apothosis using innovation science and technology in the future The moonli |