Solar garden lights, solar street lights, solar outdoor lights:
Solar Garden Lights cover a large variety of solar spot lights, solar garden lighting including landscape lighting, commercial and residential lighting all with the concept of one solar panel and
several LED's.
Tall elegant hanging copper fixture produces a warm glow for accenting and decorating flower beds patios decks and sidewalk borders. Safe weather-proof and shock-proof even near water. No power
pack or wiring required portable for easy installation.
Solar Garden Lighting comes complete with several variations from panel type, color of fixture, reflective lens size and coverage distance, external wiring or no wiring, stainless steel or plastic.
The list goes on! We at Silicon Solar strive on providing high quality solar lighting systems that can range from low cost savings to premium garden lights.
Each solar garden light is backed by our 2 year limited warranty allowing your light to last and then be under care by our solar technical support team.
We combine innovative solar power technology with nature's most abundant resource to deliver clean, efficient energy. |