Dalmation Dog Statue Solar Lights
If you are interested in Dalmation statue solar Light, here are all the essential elements about Dalmation solar statue light. The statues turn on automatically in dark conditions,
and last up to 10 hours under a full charge. You owe it to yourself because it is the best value for the dollar. Satisfaction guarantee. Dalmation dog lights are a super
bright White LED, and casts a nice soft glow under dark conditions.
Actually made of cold cast resin, the lantern dog measures 17 inches tall, 12 inches wide and 8 inches deep. They are safe, CE certified, water and corrosion resistant. This Dalmation statue makes
a wonderful gift for any dog lover. Go ahead and add a colorful fun accent to your porch, patio or yard. With an abundant lighting source, you won't mind one bit having Dalmation
statues in your flowerbeds.