You don't have to go out in the cold to hang holiday lights
Moonlighting deals with all of the mess and maintenance associated with putting up holiday lighting from calculating the amount of electricity required and
hiding electrical cords to doing weekly maintenance checks and storing the lights after the holidays.
If you plan to brighten your business or home with festive holiday lights, let Moonlighting take care of it for you. We take care of the headaches involved with
installation and homeowners get the pleasure of having lights up throughout the holidays.
During holidays, nothing draws people more to your home or business than beautiful yuletide lights. Lighting street trees or stringing lights along buildings is
one way for business districts to market their area to holiday shoppers.
Moonlighting designs have an elegance and eye-appeal that truly beautify the outdoors at night. Moonlighting knows how to present that beauty using professional
employees that are trained and understand the installation of outdoor lighting. Moonlighting already does creative designs and installations of landscape
lighting and with Holiday lighting, we can take that to another level. The colorful displays, which turn an ordinary home into a winter wonderland, are the result of a lot of
creativity and experience.
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Moonlighting offers Holiday Lighting
Bring joy to the season with Holiday Lighting! Moonlighting provides beautiful holiday lighting and greenery d