5m/reel, single color and RGB full color
10mm wide for single color whereas RGB is 13mm wide
Viewing angle: 120 degrees, 12V DC voltage
Current: 2A single, 3A RGB
The light ribbon is total waterproof, maintenance free, and easy installation
Lifespan: 10,000 hours at least
Indoor and outdoor decorative lighting and backlighting
Emergency hallway lighting
Auditorium walkway lighting
5m/reel, single color and RGB full color
10mm wide for single color whereas RGB is 13mm wide
Viewing angle: 120 degrees, 12V DC voltage
Current: 2A single, 3A RGB
The light ribbon is total waterproof, maintenance free, and easy installation
Lifespan: 10,000 hours at least
Indoor and outdoor decorative lighting and backlighting
Emergency hallway lighting
Auditorium walkway lighting
5m/reel, single color and RGB full color
10mm wide for single color whereas RGB is 13mm wide
Viewing angle: 120 degrees, 12V DC voltage
Current: 2A single, 3A RGB
The light ribbon is total waterproof, maintenance free, and easy installation
Lifespan: 10,000 hours at least
Indoor and outdoor decorative lighting and backlighting
Emergency hallway lighting
Auditorium walkway lighting