See through your Spot! Made for indoor and outdoor use, this transparent display is perfect to create an amazing event scenography to renew your store or to realize creative installation like building facade. This new technology will replace the giant printed svertising that we can see in all the world's biggest city. NET-LED is a transparent LED display created with innovative stripes and a back structure made in steel and aluminium. This unique system features a spectacular effect with more than 65% of transparency, lightweight, high brightness (also visible under full sunlight), and a high wind-load resistance. TecnoVISION has realized NET-LED on special panels for a fast and easy but 100% safe assembly. Futuristic visual effects, giant backstage, also curved if necessary, incredible light effects for the show of the new millennium. Now you can chose from three different NET-LED products: NET-LED20, NET-LED30 and NET-LED50. Three different resolution to satisfy all the customer needs.
See through your Spot! Made for indoor and outdoor use, this transparent display is perfect to create an |