Globaltech on board mircoprocessor is a simple solution for flexibleand intelligent High Brightness LED control. Whether driving single ormultiple strings of LEDs, remote interface or monitoring
you can beassured of optimal LED control over wide ranges of operatingtemperatures and environments. LED SMART DRIVER DESIGN: The GlobaltechLED Smart Driver Design is a microcontroller based system
utilizingsoftware refined over years of lab and field testing. Originallydeveloped in 2004 due to the lack of suitable LED driver components,the first product was a single six LED string current
controller. Over10,000 units were sold and are still operating today. From this simplesingle LED string controller we have advanced to a multiple LED stringcontroller with interface and remote
monitoring capabilities. SINGLESOURCE PARALLEL STRING LED CURRENT DRIVING: LEDs in parallel arenotoriously poor at sharing current. Small mismatches in forwardvoltage and dynamic resistance can
result in large imbalances incurrent from string to string. As LED slug temperature increases theimbalances increase. The difference in light output from the hotteststring may not be noticeable but
the lifetime and lumen maintenancedecreases.
SMART DRIVER LED CURRENT REGULATION: Our LEDSmart Driver provides current regulation for each individual string ofLEDs using buck mode PWM control with high side current sense. Currentaccuracy over
the LED operating temperature range is +/- 3%. Modulardesign enables scalability of the number of LED strings. Isolation ofthe high current switching from the microcontroller eliminates thefeedback
in and around the microcontroller package. This feedbackcauses poor current regulation and inconsistent performance inintegrated LED Driver IC solutions. Compact design of the drivercombined with
advanced thermal management technology allows the driverand LEDs to share the same PCB.
Multiple temperature control values. Over temperature protection, shutdown at critical temperature and resume operation temperature.
Under voltage lockout for power off or brownout.
Soft start
User selectable current.
Operation time/date control
Fan operation
Daylight Harvesting
Occupancy sensing
0-10V Dimming
LED SMART DRIVER REMOTE MONITORING: Remote monitoring of the LED SmartDriver can be achieved using any of the bidirectional interface methodslisted above. System health, performance and operational
data can besent to a remote base
Housing: Die Cast Housing & Front Frame, Smooth Bronze Powdercoat Finish Over a Chromate Conversion Coating. Front. Frame is Hin
Life: | 80,000 |
Input Voltage: | 120-277 |
Color: | White |
Model Number: | KH20L24 or KH20L48 |
Brand Name: | GlobalTechLED |
Place of Origin: | Florida United States |