LED LINE can be use with convenience in indoor and outdoorlocations. LED LINE has no temprature problem and so it can be use forthe illumination of the historical buldings. LED LINE reflects thedance of art and tecnique to life and locations.
We as, LSP Illumination Project and Design Ltd.Co.have founded in2003 for creation, production,designing and application of estetical,technological and ergonomical designs. Our principle is making adifference in the locations with the expertise gained in LED technologyand changing color illumination systems.LED LINE,which is in LSPs newgeneration illumination product line,brings estetic,technology andergonomy together. With LED LINE,there is no need to change bulbs asin standart armatures. The product which is in IP65 protectioncategory,has 306090 cms.standart dimensions and makes a differenceand mystique ambition in the locations with its red,blue,amber,greanand RGB color changing systems. LED LINE has synchronous and asynchronous operation feature.