Minilighting manufacture co, . Ltd is a new And high technologicalEnterprise specializing in the research and Development and productionOf LED indoor and outdoor decorative lamps. With nine years's experience in festival lamps and five years'sResearch in LED indoor and outdoor decorative lamps, our LEDDecorative lamps have taken the lead in this industry. At present, our products include: LED rainbow tube, LED guardrail-Shaped lamp, LED intelligent digital tube, LED T5 tube, LED ceiling And curtain wall lamps, LED spot lamp, LED light bulb, LED underwater Lamp, LED underground lamp, LED ground lamp, LED ad module, LED star Lamp, net lamp, curtain lamp, and Christmas lamp. Our company also Produces explosive light series, flash bulb series and fuse lamp.
Minilighting manufacture co, . Ltd is a new And high technological
Enterprise specializing in the r
Model Number: | MOTIF-027 |