There are some types of Solar Simulation Lighting such as ;
Metal Halide Type to simulate the whole spectrum of the suns radiation
Infrared Type to check the device flaws due to the heating of solar radiation.
Recently, in the automotive and related transportation industry, testing the reliability and functionality of vehicles under the extreme environmental condition is the most important factor.
Especially, Solar radiant energy is the one of the most important environmental factors with ambient temperature, relative humidity, rain and snow Together.
Full Spectrum solar simulation system is set in CWT (Climatic Wind Tunnel) or Climate Chamber for the solar load test and have the moveability to reproduce the movement of the sun.
Over the last 10 years VISOL has installed lighting systems to the automotive industry for crash test applications such as Delphi Korea, Ssangyong Motors, Hyundai Motors, Korea Automobile Test & Research Institute, KEMTI, Korea Insurance Development Institute, Automotive Parts Innovation Center.
In the automotive and related transportation industry, testing the reliability and functionality of vehicles.