Rugged and attractive body made of ABS plastic
Excellent protections and indications
Safe and easy to operate
Omni-directional pure white light
Non polluting, inexhaustible energy from the Sun
Features :
Solar lantern is a portable light source like a traditional lantern which gives omni-directional pure white light. It consists of a solar photovoltaic module, Sealed Maintenance Free (SMF) lead
acid battery, charge controller and DC-AC inverter for lighting the Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CF Lamp). Highly efficient two-step charge controller protects battery from over charging and deep
High frequency inverter offers high efficacy, more light output and long service life to the CF Lamp. Depending on the CF Lamp and SPV module wattage, Jaysolar Lanterns are available in 4 different
models with 3Wp, 8Wp, 10Wp & 12 Wp modules.
Solar Lantern
Solar lantern is a portable light source like a traditional lantern which gives omni-directional pure white light. |