Solar lawn lights, solar garden lights, solar outdoor light:
Solar lawn light adopts the sunshine and takes good advantage og the solar energy to supply power.
Solar lawn light is an energ saving, environmentally friendly and non-pollutin solar light.
The light has no electricity cost. The solar panel on the top of light absorbs snshine at daytime and coverts the sunlight to electricity. The lawn light has rechargeable batteries inside, which
save the energy converted form the solar panel. The light will turn on automatically at night or in darkness, if the switch is "ON" position.
Our solar lawn light uses high efficient solar cell. The plastic of the lawn light is safe, non-poisonous and re-utilize.
Powered by high-efficiency sunpower mono solar panel, 1pc LED in light head. 1pc 600mAh Ni-Cd battery.
Solar lawn light adopts the sunshine and takes good advantage og the solar energy to supply power. |